Have your family relationships suffered during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

The Home Study course is at hand!

During the pandemic, lockdowns brought huge changes for families. Normal routines were destroyed, social and work routines were severely restricted, and families were forced to spend much more time together under the same roof.

  • For children this brought disruption of friendships, school attendance, learning, and reduced physical activity, causing many to be bored, anxious or depressed.
  • For parents it created problems of working, space, and finances with the added demands of home schooling and worry about how to ensure their childrens’ wellbeing.

All these pressures undoubtedly highlighted pre-existing problems between family members, and created new disagreements and dilemmas, at a time when the usual sources of support for families were either unavailable or strained.

Parent Effectiveness Training is a course designed to help parents deal with these sorts of problems and conflicts but the main method of delivery, which used to be meeting face to face in groups, has been out of the question for the last two years.

Fortunately for some parents, they were able to benefit from learning P.E.T. through our Home Study Programme.

The home study programme is called Family Effectiveness Training (F.E.T.). You receive a Study guide and workbook, a DVD and audio material and it includes some Instructor Support by phone or Zoom. The course material covers the same 24 hours of study as P.E.T. but the advantage is that you are free to set your own timetable!

You can learn new skills that not only help reduce everyone’s emotional temperature, but mean that the whole family can help in finding new workable solutions to problems, parents don’t have to create and police ideas, and children feel motivated to help!
